

Consignors Corner

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Next Sale

MAY 3, 4, 5, 6 + 7


BOOKMARK our Sale site NOW - This is where you will go when it's time to shop!


Seriously... SAVE the link and SAVE a bundle this spring!


Wednesday, May 3

8pm - $16 PreSale Pass

A limited number or PreSale passes will be available to purchase. 

To buy your PreSale Pass

email - sask@outgrowoutplay.com 

** Must have purchased the above Pre-Sale Passes to shop the PreSale

All PreSale pass purchasers will receive exclusive access to OGOP's famous 50% off PreSale on Saturday Night


Thursday, May 4

5pm - $FREE - Expecting Parents PreSale

Register as an Expecting Parents and start shopping 3 hours before our sale opens to the public ❤️

Click HERE to register TODAY :-)

6pm - $FREE - I Love SK OGOP PreSale

JOIN our I Love SK OGOP Facebook group for access to a FREE exclusive PreSale for all our amazing Fans ❤️

Start shopping 2 hours BEFORE we open to the public!

8pm - $FREE - Public Sale

No PreSale pass is needed! Free! Free! Free! Saskatchewan's Online sale site opens up for the whole world to shop right thru until Saturday, May 6 @1pm

The site will lock down promptly at 1pm Saturday to prepare for OutGROW OutPLAY's Famous 50% off PreSale

SHOP the Sale Link: OGOPSASK.com

Shop THOUSANDS new and gently used items for your family and home, locally and at way below retail. Good for You, our community and our environment too :-)


** Must have purchased one of the above Pre-Sale Access Passes to shop the Pre-Sale. Once you buy your Access Pass, you'll also have access to our 50% off PRE-SALE starting Saturday, May 6 at 5pm

Saturday, May 6 to Sunday, May 7 - 4pm

5pm - Half Price PreSale

Exclusive 50% off Pre-Sale For All Volunteers, Consignors and PreSale Pass Purchasers

Only PreSale Pass purchasers will have exclusive access to OGOP's famous 50% off PreSale

Want to shop the 50% off sale? It's not too late to grab a $5. 50% PreSale pass

Please send us an email to; sask@outgrowoutplay.com

9pm - $FREE - Famous 50% Off Sale


ogopSask.com is unlocked for the whole world to shop!  Shop straight thru until Sunday, May 7 - 4pm!

LAST CHANCE to grab the BEST deals and biggest steals of the season!!

All items marked by Consignors with "MARKDOWN" are 50% off! Incredible savings for your entire family.


Easy Curbside Shopper Pick-Up

Saturday, May 13 - Regina

Eastview Community Center - 615 6th Avenue

Sunday, May 14 - Saskatoon

Prairieland Park 503 Ruth St East - Hall D

You'll book a convenient pick-up time and location closest to you when you check-out. 

Pull up, pop your trunk and OutGROW OutPLAY Volunteers will load up ALL your amazing purchases. It's that simple :-)


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BOOKMARK OGOPsask.com Sale site NOW!

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Consignors Corner

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